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What does constellar mean?

Family constellations are a type of therapy  which is used to deal with various issues such as problems with the family, with work, with the partner, and emotions such as abandonment, sadness, and also illnesses.

When parents separate, the family system is destabilized, through the constellations we help create a new order.  

Working with dolls is using a symbolic type of tool. By working with dolls we represent metaphorically and visually. The dolls allow to represent elements of a system and the location of the different elements, in reference to the others, is a representation of the relational dynamics. 

Relationships between family members are recreated in space through the formation of a physical picture. 

In the family sculpture the emotional position of each member of the family with respect to the others is symbolized. 


Play mobil doll therapy


Playmobil-type dolls are a common therapeutic resource in the clinical context. The use of dolls to make family constellations in individual consultation is well known, but systemic figures can be used for very different purposes, both in therapy and in counseling for adults and children.

The strength of this technique is that it allows us to "see" and not just "tell" a situation. That is to say, with the dolls the scene of the situation or conflict is represented and already in a first glance a lot of unconscious information emerges. Through the details of the dolls themselves we can realize many things directly: who is close to whom, how they are dressed, where they look and what they do not see, etc. In a very short time we can broaden and deepen the meaning of the internal images so that it is the customer who "sees" their own solutions. Like “A picture is worth a thousand words”, this systemic tool enhances the effect of any psychological therapy or verbal-only counseling session.

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